Collection: Western Movie Posters For Sale

The beauty of old western decor, memirabilai and collectibles. Trying to convey the powerful influence classic westerns had on many children, now grown adults, is a challenge to those void of that nostalgic enthusiasm. Of course collectors and western movie fans already enjoy the great western quality of life, and don't need to hear this deep level of appreciation from me..

The best I can do is tell a story.....

I am 8 years old and find myself at home walking in on the end of a Saturday TV movie matinee. Dad is almost asleep in his “Lazy-Boy” and my sister has about 20 Barbie dolls laid out on the floor. I sit down in front of our black & white TV in my pajamas, with a glass of milk and Oreo cookies. John Wayne is on horseback trying to shoot his beautiful, apparently Indian niece, Natalie Wood. The niece that he’d come to rescue. She’s saved by handsome Jeffrey Hunter but it doesn’t feel like a happy ending. Of course “Searchers” was never made for children. It’s a mature story, not so predictable, not the typical western. I also could not comprehend what a masterpiece it was and realize that decades later it would be named AFI’s best western film of all time.

Of course we always hear the cliché, “the good ole days” or “it ain’t what it use to be”. I don’t know if “things” were better 50 years ago, than they are today. I don’t know if people were more considerate, less greedy, if crime was less heinous. It’s all subjective, isn’t it? But, I will say this…. I would give ANYTHING to go back in time in my pajamas , watching “Searchers” for the first time on our 15” black & white TV screen, even if only for two hours. .

So whether your favorite is John Wayne, James Cagney, Roy Rogers or Gene Autry you just may find that piece of vintage western history you’ve been looking for.

Have fun viewing our Classic Western Gallery below, while imagining that rare vintage “Searchers” or Roy Rogers poster hanging on your wall.